Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm Free!

Free of amalgam fillings that is.

Yes, they're all out. The last one came out on August 2 and the final permanent crown will go in this coming Sunday. Wahoo!

I wish I could write more - but I'm feeling a little sleep-deprived and rightly so. I've begun chelating using the "Cutler protocol" - frequent, low-dose chelation. I'm taking a low dose of DMSA every 3 to 4 hours, including at night. Tonight marks the end of two weeks of chelation and I'm going to keep up the continuous chelation for as long as I can.

Many people using this protocol only chelate for about three or four days (around the clock) and then take an equal number of days off. The most compelling reasons I found to take days off between "rounds" of chelation were the possibility of feeling worse "on-round" and the need to get more sleep than a couple of 3 or 4 hour blocks each night.

I am thrilled to find that I am a lucky one who does feel better on-round. And, I figure I'm a mother of two young children and a busy body who checks email and works on the co-op stuff until the wee hours anyway, I'm pretty used to getting very little sleep. The first few days of chelating, though, I hardly slept. I was too worried I'd miss the alarm and miss a dose (which requires, according to the Cutler Protocol, one to stop the "round" and wait several days before starting again).

Now, I'm getting sleep in two 3 or 4 hour stretches a night, on a good night. It's not perfect, but it's not so bad either. I'm so anxious and excited to get this mercury cleared from my body as quickly, but safely, as I can, that I just don't want to stop. I know eventually, I'll be so tired, I will miss that alarm and sleep right through. For me, I think that will be the signal to stop this round and take a break.

For now, I'm off to take my next dose and embark on my first of two 4 hour (I hope!) stretches of sleep!

More soon. . .