Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Science is real . . .

This morning, I woke up with this song in my head. Not a bad way to wake up, really, and I don't think I'm complaining exactly. It's just that when the Os find a song or CD that they really like, we end up listening to it day in and day out for days on end. And sometimes, too much of even a good thing is simply too much.

And I do admit that I happen to like this particular CD - Here Comes Science by They Might Be Giants - more than any of our former favorites, though I have to say that Raffi's Bananaphone is still high on my list.

One of the songs on this CD is about how everything is made of elements. Big O has been very curious about this - incessantly asking if this or that is made of elements. Generally speaking, the answer, as the song implies, is that everything is made of elements.

Leave it to Big O to find a loophole. At one point he asked if shadows are made of elements. Clever. Later, he asked if electricity is made of elements.

Homeschooling sure is interesting around here. I'm going to have to get all my old text books out and start studying before this kid really stumps me.