Watch the movie’s trailer. If you do nothing else with regard to your food choices, please consider stopping for a moment and thinking about the food you are eating each day. Do you ever wonder where it came from? Meat does not magically appear in the refrigerated shelves of the grocery store in organized cellophane-wrapped packages filled with special gasses to make it look "fresh." Fruits and vegetables might travel fifty miles to your grocery store, or five thousand miles. There's a story behind each piece of produce and each package of meat.
When you give your child (or yourself!) a bowlful of conventionally grown blueberries – do you know that you’re not only giving them one of their five or more servings of fresh produce a day? Those conventionally grown blueberries are also providing our precious little ones with residue from 48 different pesticides. How about residue from 52 different pesticides on that juicy peach that was not organically grown? What about the effects these chemicals have on our environment and eco-system? Have a look the "What's on My Food" website.
A while back, the U.S. government commissioned a committee to study the effects of pesticides in the diets of infants and children. This committee issued a document in which they state that children’s bodies, not surprisingly, process these toxins differently than adults and that they believe more studies should be done specifically on the exposure of children to these toxins.
If you’re an omnivore, do you ever think about the animal that was harvested for your meal? Should it matter how it was raised? If it was given chemicals (hormones, antibiotics, etc.)? If it was fed food that was genetically modified, pesticide-laden, and not what it would normally eat in it’s natural environment? If it never saw sunlight? If it was confined to a small space barely the size of its own body? If it lived it’s life standing knee deep (or higher) in manure sludge? Would any of those things affect your decision about which conveniently packaged piece of meat to purchase?
An interesting thing to keep in mind is that the money we spend on food is essentially equivalent to a vote for the kind of food we want to keep in demand in our country. You are 'voting' every time you purchase a food item.
It’s not easy in our society – we have to take extra steps and spend a little extra money to make this kind of a statement and vote for these kinds of foods. The two conventional grocery stores that are about a mile from my house do not carry much in the way of organic produce and there’s not a speck of humanely, sustainably raised meat in either place.
There’s a specialty organic, vegetarian store about a mile away also, but they aren’t open all the convenient hours of a traditional store and we are omnivores, so this shop cannot fulfill all our grocery needs. There’s a farmers’ market almost any day of the week within a few miles’ radius of us, but of course, their hours are also limited and navigating the crowded booths and tents with the Os in tow is sometimes quite tiresome.
So, yes, it can be a bit less convenient to obtain sustainable, whole, real foods, and sometimes I have to pay a bit more than I would for “conventional” foods. And, I’m not perfectly consistent about it yet.
Hoping to help solve my own conundrum and to promote shopping for sustainable foods, I’ve spent the past one and a half years helping out on a committee that is researching the feasibility of creating a cooperative grocery in my area. Our store will be community owned and focus on supporting our local economy and offering sustainable and practical choices. It will still be a while before our store becomes a reality.
There are options. The more we vote for sustainable crops and humanely, sustainably produced animal products in our food system, the more we will increase the demand and lower the costs of obtaining these items.
It’s all about taking a moment to stop and think about what food means to each of us, possibly altering some perceptions about what convenience really is, and considering what we want to say with our food votes.
More information:
Food, Inc. – the movie
What's on My Food - Pesticide Action Network
The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children - Committee on Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children, Board on Agriculture and Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
The Meatrix movies (I, II, II½)
Store Wars